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In an age of division and uncertainty, the questions we face as a nation are profound: How do we build a future rooted in unity, dignity, and truth?

The Napa Institute Citizens of Faith Conference, held just outside Washington, D.C., on April 9, 2025, seeks to answer these questions by inspiring and equipping Catholic leaders to rise to the challenges of our time. With Catholics engaged in ever new ways and the power of Church teaching to impact the common good, this conference offers a unique opportunity to chart a course for the next four years—a time poised to become a defining Catholic moment in America’s history.

Speaker Announcements Coming Soon …

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Register before February 15th for early bird pricing of $1,350 (Full price: $1,500)

A Call to Serve: Faith and Public Life

Pope Benedict XVI

It is also the duty of the laity to participate actively in political life, in a manner consistently in accordance with the Church’s teaching.

Formation from top Catholic leaders in government, advocacy, and the private sector

Spiritual nourishment: mass, confession, and a eucharistic procession

Exceptional hospitality throughout the day, including lunch and dinner served onsite

Connect and network with fellow faithful leaders shaping culture

Event Details

Location: Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, Virginia

Date: April 9, 2025 | 8am-8pm

Theme: Citizens of Faith–A New Catholic Moment

Cost: $1,500 (This includes full conference attendance, along with lunch and dinner)

Conference Speakers

Coming Soon ...
Have Questions?
For more information or assistance with registration, contact Jean Jacoby, Napa Institute Registrar, at jjacoby@napa-institute.org or call 855-740-6272