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Welcome to the 2023 Napa Institute Eucharistic Procession

Below you can access the mass and procession leaflet. We sincerely appreciate your involvement in this event as we come together to bear witness to the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Thank you in advance.

Highlights include:

4:30 pm: Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral

5:15 pm: Procession Through Manhattan

6:00 pm: Procession Ends at St. Patrick’s Cathedral

6:00 pm: Benediction

6:30 pm: Event Concludes


For those attending the Principled Entrepreneurship Conference from October 10-11, 2023, you DO NOT NEED TO SIGN UP on Eventbrite since this is included in your registration.  For all those attending ONLY this mass and procession, please register at the link below.

Free to participate. All are welcome to attend.


For questions or assistance registering, please contact events@napa-institute.org 
Bear Witness to the True Presence in NYC

We are pleased to invite all of our Catholic brothers and sisters from across the country to this event as we witness the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament in the streets of New York City. This has become a yearly tradition of ours, and every year, we are delighted by the community’s response, respect, and curiosity.

If you are interested in attending, be sure to register above. If you would like to bring a group, be sure to email us at media@napa-institute.org.

See you there!