Jesus in Times Square: Priests & Nuns Lead Beautiful Eucharistic Procession on Streets of NYC

by Napa Institute
Published In January 19, 2022

Originally posted by Church Pop – October 13, 2021

This is so cool! 

The Napa Institute led a Eucharistic procession through the streets of New York City on Oct. 12, the evening before the 104th anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima’s Miracle of the Sun.

Pictures and videos surfaced online of the beautiful event sponsored by the Catholic leadership organization during its Principled Entrepreneurship Conference in Manhattan.

The social media posts depict several priests, sisters, and laity marching through New York City’s Times Square singing and praying the rosary before a Eucharistic procession.

What a powerful witness of the faith! 

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

Fr. Michael Duffy of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York posted a photo of the event. He said it “was among the most powerful events of my priesthood.”

Click here if you cannot see the post above.

Fr. Duffy’s full post reads, “Yesterday evening was among the most powerful of my priesthood. We brought Jesus to the streets of NYC. People were fascinated, and many drawn to join us. The Lord was present to His people and in His people. It was a remarkable evening. Many hearts were touched. Mine included.”

Click here if you cannot see the video above. 

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

Catholic journalist Sachin Jose’s post reads, “Nuns belonging to Sisters of Life congregation participate in a Eucharistic procession in New York’s Times Square, which was organized by Napa Institute.”

Click here if you cannot see the post above.

Jose’s other post reads, “Jesus in New York’- Eucharistic procession in New York’s Time Square. It was organized by Napa Institute.”

Here’s some additional photos of the event:

Jesus, I trust in You!

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