Life: The Cause of Our Time

by Napa Institute
Published In July 08, 2023

Life: The Cause of Our Time

On June 24, 2023, a coalition of pro-life organizations, including Students for Life, Live Action, and 40 Days for Life, hosted National Celebrate Life Day commemorating the one-year anniversary of the landmark Dobbs decision, furthering the protection of the most vulnerable in a mother’s womb.  This significant ruling by the Supreme Court just one year ago reinstated the right to life and sparked a wave of progress toward protecting and cherishing human life in all its stages. The decision has been a turning point in the conversation surrounding human life here in the United States.


As part of this one-year anniversary celebration, individuals and organizations from across the country recognized pro-life efforts and empowered those who continue to fight the good fight in public offices, foster care and adoption care centers, pregnancy resource centers, the media, churches, and more. This day was not only an opportunity to reflect on the Dobbs decision’s impact but also to advocate for policies that safeguard life and support mothers through difficult circumstances. Love and truth are the north stars of the pro-life movement in post-Roe America.

At the morning rally was the witness of a multitude of Catholic figures (many of whom are friends of the Napa Institute) standing together in their passionate support of human life. The stage and the audience were packed with esteemed figures such as Lila Rose, Kristan Hawkins, Michael Knowles, Dr. Chad Pecknold, and a notable representation of Dominicans, standing proudly as witnesses of truth.

Lila Rose, the founder of Live Action, remarked, “Let me speak with one clear message: we demand equal protection for pre-born children.” She continued, “States across our country are violating our 14th amendment by preying upon our most vulnerable pre-born brothers and sisters.”

Vice President Mike Pence also spoke at the rally, honoring the courageous champions for life across the United States and remembering the 62 million babies who have lost their lives due to the culture of death created by the decision of Roe V Wade. He rallied the crowd by saying, “We will support women in crisis pregnancies with resources and support, for their care, for the unborn, and for the newborn as never before.”

The speakers encouraged individuals to engage in acts of service and compassion towards the pre-born and their families. Supporting pregnancy resource centers, adoption agencies, and counseling services for women, emphasizing the commitment to supporting life in impactful ways. We have a lot to celebrate, but the work ahead to sustain this progress lies with us here and now.

This exciting anniversary celebration was brought to a close that evening with a beautiful gala at the Renaissance Hotel to send us back into the culture with the encouragement and prayer needed to continue the dialogue, advocate in the public square, and put in the labor needed to protect the most vulnerable who continue to be under attack.

Watch the Full Rally

In unwavering conviction, we advocate for life and pray for the strength and wisdom to win over not only the polls and the courts but hearts and minds.


Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and kindle in them the fire of Thy love. Send forth Thy Spirit, and they shall be created. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.

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