People of good will and common sense have worked, peacefully and prayerfully, for nearly 50 years – often in the face of media contempt — to right the wrong done by the 1973 Roe v Wade decision. Today’s decision striking down Roe comes on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Nothing could be more appropriate, or a greater blessing for the nation.
Catholics believe in the right to life, and the advancement of human dignity, from conception to natural death. Being “prolife” doesn’t stop at birth. It involves far more than protecting the unborn. But it most emphatically must begin there. No rights are sacred absent the fundamental right to life.
The Napa Institute greets today’s Supreme Court Dobbs decision with enormous gratitude to the members and leaders of the prolife movement, and those clergy across the many different religious communities who provided them with spiritual support. We commit ourselves to continuing the life-saving work of supporting mothers, caring for children, and restoring a culture and laws that protect the most vulnerable.