Storm Heaven

by Tim Busch
Published In December 16, 2024

As the New Year approaches, I’m sure you’re lifting up various intentions in prayer. I would like to add one to the mix…

Please pray that we get good and Godly bishops in key dioceses in 2025.

The coming year may see many significant changes to the leadership of the American Church. Perhaps most notably, Cardinal Dolan of New York City will reach the age of retirement in February, when he turns 75. As required, he will immediately submit a letter of resignation to Pope Francis, who can choose whether to accept it or keep the Cardinal in place.

Cardinal Dolan has been an exceptional shepherd to his flock and an inspiration to millions more. It is my personal hope that the Pope keeps him in place for years to come.

The Pope has previously done that with other excellent bishops—see Cardinal Sean O’Malley in Boston, who stayed five years past the age of retirement. The Pope accepted Cardinal O’Malley’s resignation this year, at age 80.

Cardinal Dolan could continue his extraordinary witness if the Pope gave him another five years. If the Pope does accept resignation, let’s pray that we get an Archbishop of New York cut from the same cloth as Cardinal Dolan. And Chicago and D.C. may see change, too, since Cardinal Cupich and Cardinal Gregory are past 75 years old, too. Let’s keep their dioceses in our prayers, as well.

New York, Chicago, and D.C. are not the only dioceses that may see retirements, but given their importance, they certainly deserve our petitions to heaven. The Lord has already answered our prayers in Boston, where Cardinal O’Malley has been replaced by Archbishop Richard Henning, who is by all accounts excellent and faithful.

The American Church has long been blessed with outstanding bishops, which helps explain the continued vibrancy of the faith in our country. As we prepare for 2025, let’s ask the Lord to continue to bless us, both by keeping the excellent bishops we have and giving us new bishops who will preach the Good News.

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