These are tough times to be a priest.
Having just spent the better part of a week with 25 priests who are friends of the Napa Institute, I’m more convinced than ever that they need more support from parishioners.
The question is: How can you help your priest?
One big answer is this: Sponsor their ticket to a Napa Institute conference or event.
Those of us who’ve been to one—either the Summer Conference in Napa Valley July 24-28, 2024 or the Eucharistic Procession and Faith and Business Conference in New York October 15-16, 2024 —know how spiritually refreshing they are.
As hundreds of priests have told me over the years, our conferences are the best place to build community and renew their sense of calling. After a few days with us, priests are better prepared to face the challenges of their vocation and minister to their parishes.
Our conferences also give priests a chance to interact with parishioners and lay leaders from across the Church. Many lay apostolates can strengthen parishes, yet many priests don’t know they exist. If you sponsor a priest’s ticket, they can find new ways to make your parish even more vibrant and faithful.
I hope you’ll consider sponsoring a priest—you can register for them here.
But I also hope priests will encourage parishioners to attend our conferences.
It’s an easy way to minister to their flock. And you could accompany your parish priest or priest friend, too. It’s a great opportunity for priests and parishioners to interact outside of daily parish obligations. The whole experience fosters deeper bonds that build up the Church. And Napa conferences provide the liturgy, community, and formation that kindle the spark of faith into a roaring flame.
Please urge your priests to issue this call to action in your parish. And if you can, please tell your priest you’ll sponsor his ticket, too.
Thanks for your friendship and faith. I hope to see you—and your priest—at a Napa Institute conference this year.
In Christ,
Tim Busch